A bioindicator is organism that give us a clue of the health of its ecosistem Some organisms are very sentive to pollution in their environmet, so if pollutans are present, the organims may change its morphologypysiology or behaviour, or it could even die.
The mycroalga isn't usual, is an excellent bioindicator organism and it's very sensitive to any change in ecosystem. Staurastrum arctiscon lives in acid waters without organic matter like in the Black Loch in Soria.
The mycroalga isn't usual, is an excellent bioindicator organism and it's very sensitive to any change in ecosystem. Staurastrum arctiscon lives in acid waters without organic matter like in the Black Loch in Soria.
Another living bioindicator is Tabellaria however this it’s very common and it’s an excellent bioindicator in aquatic systems.
There are more living bioindicators like Tradescantia, it is too sensitive to pollution from automobile and factory gases.